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Extreme Macro - the Canon MPE-65 Macro Lens:

The following are all full frame (i.e. uncropped) images taken at 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1 and 5:1 magnification:

A daffodil at 1:1 magnification. f16, 1/160, ISO 100.

I now focus on the stigma on the right (unfortunately one of the petals fell off in the process!). This is 2:1 magnification. f14, 1/160, ISO 100.

3:1 magnification. f11, 1/160, ISO 100.

4:1 magnification. f8, 1/160, ISO 100.

5:1 magnification. f6.3, 1/160, ISO 100.

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